Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Do you like salsa?

I'm sure some of you got here because you like salsa and a random Google search directed you here. If that's the case, I'm sorry to say that this post may not be what you were looking for. I don't like any other salsa that you cannot eat with tortilla chips, and I wonder why everybody assumes that I like salsa. I do know the answer, it is because I speak Spanish! It is as simple as that. I like other Caribean rhythms, and I wish I would like salsa, because when I see people dancing it seems as if they are really enjoying themselves, not to mention the sensuality attached to it.
Well, as I am a Spanish professor, I've been asked to collaborate into this hands-on event where the chair of my department is going to teach salsa to students. I told him that I have no clue of how to dance salsa, but he seemed so engaged and enthusiastic that I wasn't able to tell him no.
I am taking one for the cause, because after 3 hours of hearing salsa I don't even know what I'm able to transform into. Imagine to stand by a boom box for three hours with a music that you really cannot stand... anything, death metal, polka, eurotrash, that kind of lame soul-pop from the divas and their equal male counterparts that I'm ashamed to call soul. However, I will stand stoically with a smile and do my best!
Now, the question arises, am I perpetuating the stereotype and selling out? or, am I acting professionally?
The event is Thursday, I will tell you if it was worthwhile.


  1. I admire you for your courage, my friend. As for me, I thanked my lucky stars that I am scheduled to be giving a talk in town on Medieval Spain during this worthy salsa-dancing event. :-) My students don't need to see me shake it in the Quad. :-)

    How are your flamenco dancing skills? :-) :-)

  2. Not much better, but at least I like flamenco!
