Monday, October 31, 2011

Dexter s06e05. "The Angel of Death".

After a week off my Dexter's reviews, I'm back right after the episode to avoid procrastination. Last week's episode, A Horse of a Different Color, pictured a clear image of a killer dichotomy that this season wants to set. On the one hand, we have the killer who is absolutely  a-religious, whose morals are questionable, but with whom, nevertheless, everyone of us will sympathize. i.e. Dexter. On the other hand, we have Professor James Gellar, an extremely religious man, who believes is following God's directions. He will end up losing all our support, which he still may have since he is Edward James Olmos. Obviously, this dichotomy is going to develop to a more sympathetic image of the religious kind with the help of Brother Sam.
In tonight's episode, this mechanism of redemption has been set in motion at full speed right at the end of the episode, when Brother Sam is shot three times in cold blood.
This show is so amazingly crafted that we were given the chance of expecting Brother Sam's death for a while, without being an imposition on us (because you were also expecting it, weren't you?).
Going on with another thread, I'm not sure if I like too much how the sexual tension between Deb and Quinn is developing with Detective Anderson in a teaser role. However, Quinn's screw up with the ex-vampire professor is going to be fun to follow.
For the closure tonight, I have to appeal to my sadistic side, since I can avoid thinking on how much fun is going to be when Dexter put his hands on Brother Sam's shooter.  The sad thing is that we are not going to be able to enjoy Mos Def's acting (or I should say Yasiin Bey) any longer, but that's life!

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