Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Borders is going out of business

It is always sad for me when a book store closes. It doesn't matter if it is a dusty old one in a run down part of the city, or the giant Borders. The degree of sadness is obviously not the same, but this time there is something special in it. I lived for a year almost right next door to the first Borders store in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I've been to that store with my wife, and many of my best friends. I bought great books in that store, and now it won't be there no more for me to stop by if I ever go back to Ann Arbor. The sadness that accompanies this closing is greater in this economic state. Thousands of workers are going to be unemployed in a society as ours, in which you are on yourself if that happens to you, no unemployment benefits, no medical help, nothing for the most of them. In any case, Borders is closing and there's nothing we can do about it except for hoping that all those employees would find another job as soon as possible.

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